PIABO Summerparty 2021
At the end of September, we want to look back at our highlight of the month: The PIABO summer party.
15 years PIABO - of course we can't miss out on a lively summer party! It's Friday, September 10th, 2021, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Weekend Club. The mood is good, the weather will be good as well later on, and the excitement grows into endless joy. And then, at exactly 5 p.m, the doors open and our guests vaccinated or negative tested guests enter the location. And what could be a better location to celebrate 15 years of PIABO than above the rooftops of the city?
Pictures often say more than 1,000 words, so we let them speak for us. Welcome to the PIABO Summer Party 2021!
After a champagne reception, our CEO Tilo Bonow gave a speech to the entire team. He talked about the 15-year history of the company, but also about how to get through the most difficult crises with a shared vision and an unshakeable team spirit. A great start to an evening full of euphoria, fun and new and old friendships.
The evening was accompanied by Berlin Cuisine. They offered delicious salad in kohlrabi turnip bowls, celery kebab with pesto dressing, and desserts served in a grapefruit.
For the 15th anniversary, an appropriate cake is mandatory! Calories? Don’t count! 100% pleasure. A big thank you to Uwe Gundelach from Der Kuchenladen for the absolutely successful ice cream cake!
Of course, our COO Daniela Harzer also had her chance to speak. She surprised Tilo on the occasion of his company's 15th birthday with a touching speech, and also had a "little" surprise up her sleeve.
Who would have thought it? The surprise for Tilo was another cake! Would he dare to eat the cake all by himself?
Dusk! A few drinks, a piece of cake, and lots of conversations among colleagues you haven't met in person yet. Our Hub colleagues from Munich, Hamburg and elsewhere, as well as the upcoming newbies, also joined to meet the team in person.
When the CEO DJs himself: Full commitment from Tilo. We wonder what was being played here?
The line at the photo booth was at least as long as the one at the bar! We live and work in the digital spirit, but sometimes Polaroids are just unbeatable!
Does our weekly team yoga encourage our colleagues to use their newly learned skills at parties? Looks like it!
Finally, a big thank you goes to our enchanting but photo-shy Patricia, who was mainly responsible for the organization of the event. We would also like to thank our photographer Robert Lehmann, who captured this evening in pictures for us.