PIABO supports aid projects in the fight against Corona
Let’s remember the beginning of the Corona pandemic when the virus quickly spread in Germany. To counteract its rapid spread, strict protective measures were introduced and hygiene regulations were made more stringent. Nevertheless, protective clothing for hospital and nursing staff was missing, among other things. Instead of standing by idly, many companies realized early on that they could and would like to help. Within a very short time, they developed ideas on how to realign their business and reorganize their production to support system-relevant facilities.
Captivated by these companies’ spirit of action, PIABO also made its network and resources available to give two of these initiatives more visibility in terms of media presence. In this way, PIABO wanted to make a small contribution to the success of these urgently needed aid projects.
Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash
Vonmählen, a renowned designer and producer of high-quality headphones, multifunctional cables, charging stations and smartphone accessories, launched the Younity initiative. Younity acts as a solidarity alliance of experts from industry, logistics, trade and marketing as well as well-known influencers. Within a few weeks, they jointly managed to make more than 10 million FFP2 respirators available and thus support system-relevant institutions. Furthermore, the Internet platform https://younity.shop was launched at the same time, through which everyone can purchase face masks for their own use. For each purchase, the same amount of masks is donated to charitable organizations. In this way, the alliance wants to educate people about compliance with hygiene measures and, on the other hand, it wants to encourage people to make a contribution towards overcoming the crisis.
Julian Thormählen (left), CEO of Vonmählen and initiator of Younity with his assistant Jonas Lübbers (right)
Another Berlin-based tech company specialized in the area of digital dentistry has set a real example in the Corona pandemic by completely converting its dental laboratory: At the end of March, the company decided to reassign its 3D printer fleet - one of the largest in Germany - to the production of protective visors for medical personnel. To date, more than 7000 of these visors have been produced and delivered free of charge to hospitals, nursing homes and surgeries. The facilities were thus able to treat infected Covid-19 patients with the best possible protection.
With an additional industrial 3D-printer the production could even be increased again. The visors are already in use at the Charité Berlin, the Klinikum Hanau and many other medical facilities. With additional media work, the visibility of these companies has been increased both in analog and digital form. Once again it shows: crises unite people and strong alliances are always crucial - in good as well as bad times. Especially in difficult situations, it is important to support others with your own expertise, and so we are pleased to have given a voice to two such impressive initiatives.