
May 4, 2023
von Henrik Pflaumbaum

8 exciting space tech companies to keep an eye on

Conquering space: Mankind has long cherished this dream, and it's no longer just a matter for government projects and large companies. Space Bandits lists 100 companies in the start-up category alone.

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Mar 30, 2023
von Timotée Gbaguidi

Social Media Trends 2023

Social media is constantly changing. This year too, new trends will emerge - for individuals, but also for businesses. Timotée Gbaguidi, Digital Communications Director at PIABO, gives an overview of the most important social media trends of the future.

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Mar 3, 2023
von Ann-Kathrin Marggraf

These technologies pave the way for climate-neutral cities

Today is the next global climate strike. The goal is clear: Germany should be climate neutral by 2045 at the latest, preferably earlier. But there is still a long way to go. To achieve this goal, the switch to renewable energy is just as important as a shift in transportation to low-emission vehicles.

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Feb 27, 2023
von Miriam Rönnau

Dos and Don’ts when using ChatGPT for SEO

ChatGPT impresses with its high quality texting abilities. Thanks to the fast innovation in AI technologies, many softwares are already being used for marketing and business purposes - first and foremost for search engine optimisation (SEO).

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Feb 16, 2023
von Hendrik Pflaumbaum

Five exciting GovTech companies to keep an eye on in 2023

GovTech - Government Technology. Malicious tongues claim that in Germany this is the fax machine. But the fact is that e-applications for student grants are printed out again at the office.

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Jan 31, 2023
von Aljoscha Röllecke

How the Veganuary is leading the way to a more sustainable future

At the start of the New Year, many people make ambitious resolutions about what they want to achieve in the coming year. Often these resolutions are about improving their health and general well-being. One trend that has gained momentum in recent years is 'Veganuary'. Read on to find out what it is and how it can help you improve your health as well as help the environment.

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Dec 22, 2022

2022 Highlight – The great PIABO year in review

2022 was an exciting year. At the end of it, we want to review the past twelve months and look back at our PIABO highlights – for our customers and us internally.

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Dec 20, 2022
von Miriam Rönnau

Recruiting Hack: Why investing in optimising your company's SEO pays off at the end of the year

More than half of website visits result from organic searches. Consequently , this means that companies that do not implement SEO measures on their website lose more than 50% of potential leads – and thus also potential applicants.

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Dec 13, 2022
von Ariatani Wolff

Metaverse Meetup: How Virtual Reality Can Create New Business Models and Improve the Customer Experience

As big as the hype around the Metaverse was in 2021, it died down just as quickly. Still, the topic is far from over. The Metaverse’s current status was presented and discussed by Thomas Riedel – host of the "Metaverse-Podcast" – at the Metaverse Meetup at our Berlin headquarters.

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Nov 24, 2022
von Carolin Hildebrandt

Greentech: Trends and Developments for a Climate Positive World

The world is in a state of upheaval. It is in crisis. Climate crisis, energy crisis, inflation – and the pandemic just recently officially ended. We seem to be slipping from one crisis to the next. But there are pioneers who are paving the way to a better world and shaping the future through innovation.

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