Greentech events 2020: The perfect events for those interested in impact and sustainability
With the Fridays for Future movement providing a rallying cry to politicians to do more to protect the climate, more and more companies and young founders are adapting to the growing desire for socially and ecologically sustainable products and services. Climate and environmental protection is worthwhile not only from an ecological and social perspective, but also from an economic one.
© Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels
This year, a series of events will bring together pioneers of the greentech scene. Here we introduce some of them:
27. - 28. March, Vallendar, WHU - Otto Beisheim School
SensAbility is Europe's largest student-organized, non-profit conference on social and sustainable business and takes place on the campus of WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar. The name is derived from the words "sense" (perception) and "ability" (ability to achieve something in particular) and once again emphasizes the goal of sensitizing people and companies to social issues and thus motivating them to act sustainably. Target group: Europe's largest student-led conference on social and sustainable business. Size: N/A
Ecosummit 2020
6. - 7. May 2020, Berlin, Radialsystem
The Ecosummit promotes smart, green startups in the fields of energy, mobility and cities, in order to make a positive impact on society and the environment. In the spirit of a smart, green future, the event focuses on creating sustainability in companies and green start-ups. Target group: Industry-relevant companies and start-ups, investors, interested professionals and the general public Size: 390 participants
Sustainability Heroes
12. May, Düsseldorf, Maritim Hotel
The principles of sustainability have become an integral part of corporate management. The Sustainability Heroes conference looks the topic from a corporate perspective and openly discusses the current opportunities and challenges of social responsibility. The aim is to develop solutions for effective sustainability management based on best practice examples. Topics include the disclosure of climate risks, the introduction of a closed-loop economy and human rights due diligence in the supply chain. Target group: Vice-Presidents, Heads and Directors of Sustainability and CSR professionals Size: N/A
19 - 21 June 2020, Berlin, Tempelhof Airport
In order to bring green technologies to the fore, the trio of founders around Nico Rosberg created the GreenTech Festival in 2018. The event welcomes not only pioneers of the GreenTech scene, but also around 60 exhibitors and over 10,000 visitors. Companies such as Google, Tesla and Allianz are also present. Target group: Industry-relevant companies and start-ups, greentech companies, interested professionals and the general public Size: 1,000 participant
24. - 26. June, Cologne, Odonien
The PIRATE Summit is a conference for entrepreneurs on their journey. It is about connecting, debating and learning. Focused on real-life experiences, learning from failure and success. But this year the organizers are adding another dimension to the event: Specifically, under the motto to #SolveRealProblems the conference will take the UN sustainability goals as a framework and add/take out a few. That means curating the agenda around entrepreneurs that are tackling issues such as climate change, education, energy, health, waste etc. Target group: Startups dealing with the topics greentech, sustainability, climate protection, etc. Size: 1.000 participants
Green Transformation Days
24. - 25. August, Berlin, Scandic Berlin Potsdamer Platz
The Green Transformation Days deal with the topic of sustainability in companies In order to ensure the competitiveness and future viability of one's own company, it is necessary to not just pay lip service to climate protection, but to anchor it as a strategic goal in the company's objectives. The aim is not only to create greater awareness of green thinking, but also to highlight the economic advantages. Best practices from companies are shown in a practical and inspiring way and operational work hacks are taught. Target group: Industry-relevant companies, CSR leaders, sustainability managers, etc. Size: N/A
Green World Tour Berlin 2020
5. - 6. September 2020, Berlin, tbc.
The sustainability fair is organised by Autarkia, a relatively young company in the field of green economy. It specialises in topics such as sustainable living, sustainable working environments and new technologies for a society geared towards sustainability. Target group: Greentech companies, NGOs, public institutions, businesses, interested professionals and the general public Size: N/A
Entrepreneurship Summit
10. - 11. October, Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau der Freien Universität Berlin
Entrepreneurs, visionaries, forward thinkers and like-minded people will meet again in Berlin at the Entrepreneurship Summit in October to work and contribute together on creative ideas for a more sustainable and intelligent future. Fairness towards manufacturers, towards employees, fairness towards nature. And fairness towards the buyers as well. It's about transparency, about education, about product truth, about sustainability - about the sense of our economic actions. Because with companies that adhere to all three criteria, the economy can once again fulfil its original purpose: to serve mankind and to preserve the foundations of life. Target group: Entrepreneurs, visionaries, forward thinkers Size: N/A
Social Innovation Summit
26. - 27. November, Mannheim, tbc.
Get inspired by accomplished speakers, address social challenges and develop business ideas in hands-on workshops while building an effective network! The Social Innovation Summit is much more than just a conference. It is about using technologies, concepts, institutions and scalable solutions to create a better world. Its mission is to create awareness on social challenges and inspire people with diverse backgrounds to collaboratively drive innovative endeavors that benefit society in various ways. Target group: Individuals/organizations with various backgrounds representing a variety of sectors and industries come together to think, discuss, collaborate and act on driving impactful innovation. Size: 400 participants