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Let's talk about... Podcast Production with Carolina Osses
In our "5 questions with…" section, we introduce you to our PIABO colleagues and share their expertise in communication and PR strategies. Today, we’d like o introduce Carolina Osses, Communications Manager and Podcast Producer.
As an agency, climate protection is very important for us. And to make sure it is not just words, we are taking action. On Friday, September 24th, 2021, we will go on a global climate strike.
At the 10th anniversary of PIABO in May 2016, Tilo was asked where he would like PIABO to go: "PIABO is not satisfied with the goal of being number one in the German-speaking region. We are clearly also looking beyond the country's borders.
The less physical contact there is, the more creative the methods for maintaining and strengthening the team spirit must become. Especially when the team is constantly growing, strengthening the corporate culture is extremely important.
Inside PIABO: Dominik Kratzenberg about close costumer ties and the innovative minds shaping our future
Dominik Kratzenberg always has a friendly smile on his face, is a real team player and creative mind, who values a good and above all cooperative customer relationship. He has accompanied many of his clients for several years, growing into an excellently coordinated team – trusted partners.