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Smart machines: Eva Schönleitner, CEO of crate.io, about the revolution in the industrial development
A former future project has turned into reality much faster than expected: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4. 0) continues to shape industrial manufacturing. The term Industry 4.
How does an AI judge – and who's responsible for it anyway?
With progressive development, artificial intelligence is being used more and more: Whether smart speakers, e-health or autonomous driving, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our everyday life.
Prof. Dr. Maren Urner On The Impact Of Mass Media In Times Of Corona
Prof. Dr. Maren Urner studied cognitive science and neuroscience. She currently teaches media psychology at the HMKW - University for Media Communication and Economy in Cologne. In 2015 she co-founded the online magazine Perspective Daily, the first ad-free format for constructive journalism in the German-speaking world.
Stephanie Kaiser is co-founder and managing director of the digital health platform Heartbeat Labs and is a member of the digital council that advises the German government on digitalization issues.